
Green is the color of nature, like the leaves on trees and the grass you play on. When you see green, it might make you feel like you're outside on a sunny day, breathing in fresh air and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin.
Greta is also a very happy color! It's the color of many delicious fruits and vegetables like apples, cucumbers, and kiwis. When you eat these foods, you're not only getting yummy nutrients, but you're also enjoying the color green.
But that's not all - did you know that green is also the color of many fun things? Like the clothes that leprechauns wear, or the little frog that jumps around in your backyard. Green can make you feel playful and adventurous, like you're ready to explore and discover new things.
So you see, green is a very special color that can make you feel happy, healthy, and ready to have fun!